PAST PROJECT – Maseno Water Project, Kenya

Project Summary:

The Maseno Mission Hospital Water and Power Project is located in Western Kenya and involved providing a long-term supply of clean water to a small hospital.  Prior to the project, the 75-bed hospital’s primary water source was often the muddy supply of municipal water, which is irregularly provided. The hospital sometimes went months without water. Their only alternative was a rainwater harvesting system; however, rainwater runoff was usually unclean and short-lived during the dry season. The hospital also experienced power-rationing periods two days a week and many unscheduled power outages, making it difficult to perform work in the hospital.

In early 2012, a water project was implemented to improve clean water access. Power projects were evaluated in 2013 but due to extenuating circumstances, the power project was not pursued and the program was closed out following the water project implementation and monitoring trip.

Project Status:

Complete – Maseno Mission Hospital and Community Water Project

Impact: 680 people and Maseno Hospital provided with clean water