We need you! Board Positions Open

We need you as part of the leadership of the Central Houston Chapter of EWB-USA. Help us identify projects, manage our chapter, and to ensure engaging and interesting opportunities for our volunteers.

Contact Lucy Gebhart (lucygebhart23@gmail.com) if interested.

Positions open:

  • Treasurer -Update our financial calculations on a monthly basis. Track incoming donations and outgoing expenses. Provide an update at the monthly Board meeting. Estimated time commitment 12 hours per month.
  • Outreach Chair – Responsible for getting EWB’s name out there at local events and attracting new members.  Responsible for attending Monthly Board Meetings (virtual) and Monthly Chapter Meetings (virtual).  Estimated time commitment 5 hours per month
  • Volunteer Engagement Coordinator – Responsible for receiving email inquiries from our website. Responsible to send “Welcome” emails to guests and new volunteers. Responsible for maintaining Volunteer Contact List and Attendance at Monthly Chapter Meetings.  Responsible for attending Monthly Board Meetings (virtual) and Monthly Chapter Meetings (virtual).  Estimated time commitment 8 hours per month
  • Fundraising Coordinator – Responsible to lead committee planning fundraising. Responsible for attending Monthly Board Meetings (virtual).  Estimated time commitment 2 hours per month plus 20 hours prior to event.
  • University Liaison – Meets with local student chapters to get project updates and give advice where possible. Estimated time commitment 5 hours per month.
  • Quality Assurance/Training – Responsible for finding updated guidance on EWB-National website to keep our projects in line with their requirements. Find relevant training that members may be interested in. Responsible for attending Monthly Board Meetings (virtual).  Estimated time commitment 4 hours per month.
  • Communications Chair – Responsible for sending the monthly EWB Newsletter, responding to inquiries and updating the Chapter’s social media sites. Responsible for attending Monthly Board Meetings (virtual).  Estimated time commitment 2 hours per month. [Side note – this position is currently taken but the current chair is happy to hand over the reigns to someone who is more social-media savvy!]